long day

Well today has just seemed to creep by. One baby starts to fuss and then the next one does. Thank goodness Scarlett is such a good girl and I can tell her “hang on mommy’s changing brother” and that will buy me a few minutes to settle him down and change his diaper. Scarlett seems to be growing up so fast learning new words everyday and putting together sentences that I never could have dreamed that she would at this age. It reminds me as a mother that they are only babies for such a short time. Even watching Vincent in these first two months, I don’t remember them going by so fast with Scarlett. He is getting bigger and becoming such a handsome little boy. I can look at him and say “Hello handsome boy” and I get the biggest gummy smile I have ever seen. I think that the highlight of my day is when my husband comes home from work and Scarlett screams “Dad” and goes running for the door, and to see my men sitting together making silly noises at each other. I wouldn’t change having to change poopy diapers and clean up peanut butter finger paintings for anything. I love you Scarlett, Vincent and Henry! You are my world and everything I have ever wanted.

My new blog

This is something I have been wanting to do for some time but have put it off thinking that it would be to time consuming or to difficult. Well I think I have figured it out so I am going to start blogging about my everyday life here at home with my two wonderful children. So here goes nothing… Today my baby boy Vincent had a blow out and we had poo-poo everywhere. But in no time this mommy had it cleaned up and we were on to better things like cuddling. Scarlett Rose was as sweet as ever wanting to kiss “her baby” and telling mommy “so cute” at almost to she has really embraced being the big sister. When ever she hears brother cry she says “I’m coming baby” and goes running for the crib. It warms a mommy’s heart to see her adapt so well to having a little brother. Now if only we can get her to stop stealing Vincent’s blankets we will be doing wonderful!